Thursday, November 17, 2011

This is an environment, I have created using Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop.  (W.I.P.)


This Logo I updated for my good friend Todd at  A program that helps returning vetrans re-institute themselves into civlian life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I hand painted this UI border, based on Tiki Huts found within Polynesian cultures.

Bamboo Border UI for Hotlava game.

Enemies for Hot Lava Tower Defense game.

Here are the enemies that are within our Hot Lava game, I created and animated them.

Tower (level 1-4)

Here are the tower sprites for our Hot Lava Game(level 1-4). I based them off some tiki art references I found from Tiki Magazine.

A Tiki-themed Tower Defense Game


Created in 6-months by Team Group Hugs: Paula Bruce, Michelle Fernandez, Travis Ripley, and Alissa Hauser. 

Developed using Unity Game Development Tool, Maya, and Photoshop. 

I created all the UI(Menus, Screens, Buttons) Created/Animated (Towers, Enemies, Volcano)

Coding exploration in Unity: iPhone touch input vs. traditional PC user input, grid game coding (including user drag object snap-to-grid), pathfinding AI, information and attributes passing between game objects, core game mechanics (configuration/balancing the attributes of each wave of enemies and associated rewards), sprite animation (creating a 2D game using a 3D game engine), dynamic scaling and alignment of GUI for various screen resolutions (iPhone/iPad/Web) at runtime, start menu animations and effects, and the management of a large number of graphics used for the game GUIs .

(4/2010 - 9/2010)

Coming Soon to the App Store!